Reo Ranjan Tech

How Firewall Protects a Network From Attacks

How Firewall Protects a Network From Attacks

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How firewall protects a network from attacks – In today’s time, every organization uses a firewall in its network to secure its network. So through this post, I will tell you what a firewall is and how a firewall protects the network. so Let’s Start…

What is Firewall?

How Firewall Protects a Network From Attacks
How Firewall Protects a Network From Attacks

A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic based on a set of user-defined rules. The purpose of Fire Ball is usually to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of unwanted network communication while allowing all legitimate communications to flow freely.

Fireworks in most server infrastructure provide an essential player of child safety that other measures Together they prevent attackers from accessing your server in a malicious manner.

It is very important to use a fireball in the network for the security of the network. Firewall which literally means fire plus wall which can limit the damage to your network like a fire attack here. A fire attack means a cyber attack. Can.

How do firewalls work?

Firewalls establish a barrier between secure and controlled networks, whether they are reliable or antitrust, like the Internet. A firewall using a code wall works to separate your computer from Internet packets while monitoring data packets as it falls on either side of the firewall.

Then, it determines where it should be passed or blocked. Incoming traffic is analyzed based on preset rules and is carefully filtered from unsecured or malicious sources to prevent an attack. Although they seem complicated, they are relatively easy to install and set up, depending on which firewall software you decide to use.

When filtering packets sent from Malicious Source, a firewall is Responsible to check the source and destination of all packets.

What are the types of firewalls?

Firewall software and hardware are of two types. The software version of Firewall has been installed on the computer to regulate traffic through port numbers and applications. A hardware version of the firewall is configured between the public network and the private network gateway. I will tell you the names of 5 basic types of network firewalls.

  1. Packet filtering
  2. Stateful firewalls
  3. Application firewalls
  4. Next-generation firewall
  5. Proxy firewall

How firewall protects a network from attacks

By installing protective filters around your network and equipment, the fire wall helps prevent various security risks. These include the following things:

  • Large corporations often have very complex firewalls to protect their extensive networks.
  • On the outbound side, a firewall is configured to prevent employees from sending certain types of email or transmitting sensitive data outside the network.
  • The firewall towards the inbound can be programmed to prevent access to certain websites such as social networking sites.
  • Additionally, the firewall can prevent external computers from accessing the computer inside the network.
  • A company may choose to designate a single computer on a network for file sharing and all other computers may be restricted.
  • Malware, malicious software is the primary threat to your computer. Viruses are often the first type of malware that comes to mind. A virus can be transmitted to your computer via email or the Internet and can quickly cause a lot of damage to your files. A firewall helps your computer protect your network from all these things.

How Firewall Protects a Network From Attacks

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